Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Asuncion, Paraguay

A couple of years ago, I thought about going to Paraguay for a week's vacation from school. A friend's sister had served there for Peace Corps, so I emailed him to ask her for tips. I have always found that PC volunteers have great pride in where they served and are always eager to share their country with other travelers. The response came back: have you thought about going to Brazil instead?

Not surprisingly, there's not really a whole lot to do in Asuncion and we didn't do any guided tours to learn more about the it's history, so this is kind of a short post.


A convenient way to carry your bread for sale.


The city's central plaza was undergoing renovations.


Some of the architecture was traditionally European in the day...


...and then Vegas neon at night.


We think this was the presidential residence. For sure, the guards will aggressively blow their whistles at you if they see you taking photos.


There was a lot of artistic and political graffiti throughout the city.


Asuncion was a city we could never figure out. How safe is it here? Where are the restaurants? Where are the people? Why are there so many little children out at 10pm on a Monday? Our favorite activity was watching the prostitutes and guessing man-or-woman. Or, as we called them, prosti-dudes. This is how I spent my time in Paraguay's capital.


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